李楠,1961年出生于山东省济南市。1989年毕业于山东艺术学院美术系。1990年、1996年在济南、北京举办个人摄影作品展览。1993年开始从事新闻摄影,先后在《山东画报》、《大众日报》担任摄影记者,其摄影作品在德国《莱卡世界》(LEICA WORLD)杂志、《彩色摄影》(Color Foto)杂志、美国《时代周刊》(亚洲周刊ASIANWEEK)、荷兰《 M 》、意大利《GRAZIA》等杂志发表。1995年、1996年分获第二届、第三届佳能杯”亚洲风采”专业组一等奖、特别奖。1996年获笫39届世界新闻摄影(WPP)比赛金牌。1996年获96’ SSF世界体育摄影大奖赛特别奖。1996年获中国摄影艺术最高个人成就奖——金像奖。1997年获国际摄影艺术联合会(FIAP)笫24届黑白双年展个人金牌。1998年被评为中国德艺双馨优秀摄影家。1998年中国摄影出版社出版画册《李楠报道摄影》。2000年中央电视台《东方之子》栏目播出人物专访。2001年、2004年、2005年摄影作品参加平遥国际摄影节。2002年获冰心摄影文学奖。2004年6幅摄影作品参加《中国人本》展览并被广东美术馆收藏。2005年北京798百年印象画廓举办个人摄影作品展览并出版摄影集《最后一代小脚女人》。2005年出版“黑镜头”系列个人纪实摄影集《绝世金莲》。2005年接受英国BBC人物专访。2005年获BASF创意摄影大奖赛“青年艺术家大奖”。2005年连州国际摄影节举办个人摄影作品展览。2005年工人出版社出版中国摄影家系列摄影集《李楠》。^_^Born in Jinan, Shandong, Started Pattern Design in a dyeing & printing mill as a high school graduate. 1980,Engaged in photography. 1989, Graduated from Fine Arts Dept,Shandong University of Art and Design. 1990,Transferred to Publicity Department of Jinan Disabled People‘s Union Solo Exhibition,Jinan.1993,Started photojournalism and worked in Shandong Pictorial and Mass Daily Published photos on Leica World,Color Foto, Asiweek, NRC Handelsblad M, Chinese Photography,Popular Photography etc .1995, The first prize of the 2nd Canon Awards(“Aisa‘s Demeanor“Specialist Unit). 1996,The special award of the 3nd Canon Awards(“Aisa‘s Demeanor“Specialist Unit); Solo Exhibition,Beijing; The gold medal of the 39th World Press Photo;The special award of SSF World Sport Photography Competition;The Photographic Awards of China. 1997, The gold medal of the 24th Black-and-white Biennial of FIAP. 1998,The first prize of the Humanity Photo Award of International Folklore Photo;Won the “Outstanding in Both Morality and Ability “title; Published Li Nan‘ s Photojournalism,Beijing: China Photographic Publishing House. 2000,The first prize of the Humanity Photo Award of International Folklore Photo;Interviewed by the “Oriental Son”TV program of CCTV. 2001, Selected group exhibition,Pingyao International Photography Festival. 2002,The Bingxin Awards of Photographic Literature. 2004,Selected group exhibition, Pingyao International Photography Festival;Humanism in China: a contemporary record of photography( Group Exhibition),Guangzhou:Guangdong Museum of Art.2005, Selected group exhibition,Pingyao International Photo Festival; Solo Exhibition,Beijing: 798 Photo Gallery; Published The Last Bound Feet as one of the “Black Scenes “series; Published The Last Generation with Bound Feet,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company; Interviewed by BBC “Young Artist Award “of BASF Creative Photography Competition; Solo Exhibition,Lianzhou International Photography Festival. 2006,Published Li Nan as one of the “Chinese Photographers series”.